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The Black Swan

by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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The message of this book

The main idea is that we can’t and we shouldn’t assign probabilities to rare and impactful events. What we can do is to be prepared for them in order to make them less painful or in case of positive blank swans, be ready to use new opportunities.

People mentioned


Poincaré became the first person to discover a chaotic deterministic system which laid the foundations of modern chaos theory. He is also considered to be one of the founders of the field of topology


From hayek economic theory summary:

Economist Friedrich Hayek argued that a dynamical system like the economy was simply too complex for a single entity to master. This was in contrast to the prevailing rational choice theory.

Hayek recognized a stark distinction between soft sciences like economics and hard sciences like physics. This distinction was part of Hayek’s economic theory.

Common black swan misconceptions

Wrong map is better than no map

Wrong. Sometimes it is better not to go anywhere.

Black Swan must be the same for all observers

Wrong. It is relative.

We can predict particular black swan events

Nope. Those are the events, we can’t predict (it is their definition).

Using non-gaussian distribution can help to avoid black swan events

Wrong. It just makes people more conscious about their existence.

Performing metrics on probability

Be careful. Effects are non-linear, so our values might not mean anything.

Trying to categorize and distinguish types of probability

It doesn’t have any difference in real life.

Never make any predictions

Wrong. Just be aware of your domain.